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Revised & Updated

Foreword written by Ron Luce,

Former Founder & President of Teen Mania Ministries...

I am both humbled and honored to introduce this compelling story to you - a true life story of a young girl who made her life count, who knew the true value of giving up her life for her Savior and letting Him live through her, to the ends of the earth and back.

Joy Bausum's life began with her mother's prayer sand her father's deep love and trust that his daughter's confidence in her God would sustain her wherever she followed Him. "Belonging to the Lord" were the words God gave Joy's mother the day she was born, sealing the prophetic destiny her daughter would eventually live out. Even when that meant loneliness and separation from family, being fearless in travel and life overseas, overcoming shyness, learning to hear the voice of God and choosing a life of obedience - Joy become a true missionary in every sense of the word.

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Reading this book, written by her sister Charity Martin, I was overwhelmed by the love of the Lord Joy's family shared and the support system they created for her, not holding her back form teh call of God on her life...I am overjoyed that I could even share just one small part of Joy's life, being someone who helped sow the seed of being a "world changer" in her heart. Joy's life and selfless desire to spread the message of Christ has continued to spark pastors, churches, children, and those hundreds of lives she served to GO to the nations and be a witness for their King.

Truly, truly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 (NASB)

An excerpt from His Life for Mine...

"These people," the angel said, pointing to the group on the left, "represent the people you can impact with your life, if you live."

Joy studied the group. It was much larger than she would have thought. The faceless people stood looking up at her, and she felt overwhelmed by the prospect of the touching that many lives.

"And these," the angel continued, indicating the group on the right, "represent the lives that will be touched through your death." It only took a second for Joy to see that this was a much larger multitude of people. She blinked, thinking her vision might be blurred, and as she did two tears streaked down her face.

The angel looked at her, smiled, reached out and took her hand in his.

"If you were given a choice, Joy, to impact many people throughout your life, or many, many more through your death, what would you choose?"

To read more about Joy's life as a missionary and the ultimate choice she made in the newly revised book, please order below.

© 2019 by Charity L Martin

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